's SecretRF: What is Secret RF Micro-needling?

Shhhhh….its’ SecretRF

SHHH, it’s SecretRF!- Dermal Remodeling From the Inside Out

What is SecretRF Micro-needling?

It is a radio frequency(RF) fractional micro-needling system that rebuilds and revitalizes your skin. More specifically, using controlled RF energy, heat is delivered to specific layers of the skin to improve fine lines, wrinkles, and scars from the inside out, leaving the outer layer of skin intact. 

Over the course of weeks, cumulative SecretRF treatments will boost collagen production creating smoother, lifted, clearer skin on the face and body. It can even be used in combination with PRP, Botox, and dermal fillers for an overall anti-aging effect!

Skin Conditions that SecretRF treats

  • Fine lines

  • Crepey skin on face, neck, chest, body

  • Stretch marks

  • Large pores

  • Uneven skin texture

  • Facial/body scars

  • Sun-damaged skin

  • Uneven skin tone

The Secret Procedure

Prior to the treatment, a topical numbing anesthetic is applied to the area being treated for about 20-40 minutes to increase comfort, making the treatment well tolerated. 

So how does it work? The device uses dual hand-pieces and two different sizes of gold-plated micro-needle tips, a 25 pin or 64 pin hand-piece to tailor to different areas of the body. The 25 pin hand-piece is ideal for treatments on the face or more delicate areas. As opposed to the 64 pin hand-piece which covers a larger area of treatment making it ideal for treating the neck, chest, and body. These SecretRF micro-needling tips deliver RF energy into varying layers of the skin to regenerate the skin’s collagen and elastic fibers.

What’s best about this unique combination of micro-needling and RF energy is that it makes the procedure a customizable treatment to meet your specific needs with efficiency and precision. The adjustable depth makes Secret RF safe for all genders, skin types and ethnicities, treating a wide range of skin concerns. And since it keeps the outer skin intact, you can achieve optimal results with little to no downtime. And that's the secret! Your treatments can be kept a secret, but your results won’t be! 

Quick Secret RF Questions

What can be expected after a treatment?

Common symptoms after a SecretRF treatment is redness and minor swelling. However, the recovery is fairly seamless. 

How many treatments are necessary?

Three treatments are recommended with each treatment being spaced 4-6 weeks apart. However the amount can vary depending on the skin concerns being addressed and severity. 

How long does the treatment last?

Results vary depending on the individual. Maintenance treatments are recommended every 6-12 months to maintain results. 

Call and book your consultation to see if SecretRF is right for you! The secret to smoother, rejuvenated skin is Secret RF!

—Phyllis Tameilau


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