Medical and Aesthetic facials

 Monthly facials promote cell turnover, boost collagen production, and help maintain a healthy skin ph. Our esthetician works with our team of providers to create custom facial treatments to treat all grades of acne, rosacea, hyperpigmentation and other skin conditions to help you achieve healthy, radiant skin.  Facials not only give you healthy skin, but monthly scheduled facials also stimulate blood flow to bring oxygen and nutrients to the surface as well as rid the face of toxins. Monthly treatments can help improve dull, lifeless, congested skin, by maintaining and improving the quality of underlying skin tissue.  Professional grade treatments also help maintain the skin's elasticity by stimulating collagen and elastin production in the dermis to help achieve a more plump youthful appearance. 

Four benefits of monthly facials: 

  1.  Increases circulation- During facials blood flow is stimulated by massage to help decrease puffiness and fluid build up. With massage, we are ridding the face of toxins, as well as bringing oxygen, proteins and nutrients to the skin.

  2. Deep cleanse- Getting monthly custom treatments helps remove the deeper build up of oil and debri.

  3. Anti-aging- not all facials are focused on anti-aging, but all facials have anti-aging elements in them. By increasing circulation and stimulating exfoliation, we are preventing as well as repairing any damage that has been done in the past. 

  4. Relaxation- facials help us  focus on breathing leading to full body relaxation and decreased stress levels. 

The PCD Difference:

Because our treatments are customized, our facials are done a little differently. Your facial begins with an in depth consultation with your esthetician about your options, your goals, you’re current products, and you’re expectations. After the initial cleanse where all makeup, oil and surface debris is removed, your esthetician will do a skin analysis and have a conversation with you about your skin health. If you’re dehydrated, if the barrier has been weakened, any hyperpigmentation or scarring, acne…From here, we will move into the treatment phase of the facial. 

This is where customization truly begins and we do what is best for you. For sensitive or barrier impaired skin, we will focus on reducing the amount of heat and inflammation using soothing products as well as massage with ice globes. For thicker, more resilient skin, we might do a double exfoliation with microdermabrasion and an enzyme. 

For sensitive, red, or acne prone skin, an aromatherapy pressure point massage is more soothing and effective than a traditional european massage; but the opposite is true for aging or hyperpigmented skin.

By customizing all of our treatments we are genuinely doing what is best for you and your skin with all of your goals in mind. 

Schedule an appointment here with our esthetician. 


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