Anya & Aidin Skincare: What's In A Name?

Pacific Coast Dermatology Skincare Products

As a doctor, a woman and a mother, I understand the value of self-assurance. This trait is particularly important for women to cultivate, and I know that an important factor in helping many to feel comfortable with themselves is making sure they feel confident about their body image and about their outward appearance. When we feel good about ourselves, we smile more, we take more risks, and we feel more capable. When we practice healthy skincare habits, we preserve and minimize damage to the most important organ in our body; we feel refreshed physically and emotionally. When I started my skincare line, I wanted other women to experience the same empowerment I do when I feel good from the outside in.  

This cause is personal to me, and I wanted a name that was personal to me as well. That’s why I chose to name it after my children, their beautiful skin, and the self-confidence that comes with it.  Anya & Aidin skincare has anti-aging and brightening benefits. With ingredients to treat conditions like acne, eczema, and melasma, Anya & Aidin skincare products deliver results, as well as health and wellness.  It is safe and effective for all skin types.

*All products are vegan and cruelty free with no animal testing.

Distributed by Khosla Dermatology, Inc.

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